The Vision

Your videos...

your way.

The worlds first AI-enabled video marketing platform, designed to break the barriers of engagement &Ā language.

Beautiful house with karaoke video captions
Play video button
Online educator with video captions

Content Chaos

Video localisation helps grow a global audience...

Image showing a globe and multiple video versions required to cater for a global audience.

...but managing multiple video versions &Ā platforms is tiresome!

Image showing a user managing multiple video versions & social media platforms and not enjoying life

No More Video Clutter

Captions, Translations, and Localisation ā€“ All in One!

Image to demonstrate the user interface for Braiv Player


Custom controls
Language support
AIĀ Assistant
Modern captions
Modern captions
Language switching
AIĀ assistant

Braiv Player

The worlds first online video player that natively supports modern captioning, AIĀ video localisation...and even integrates an AIĀ assistant, trained on your videos content & associated resources.

One video, one platform...always!

Easy as 1, 2...3

Bring your videos and your brand to life with just 3 simple steps:

Abstract image of video import screen for Braiv Player

1. Import

Import or upload videos to Braiv and have your content auto analysed by our AI

Abstract image of video customisation screen for Braiv Player

2. Customise

Customise and brand the video player, and choose what languages you want to support

Abstract image of video embed screen for Braiv Player

3. Embed

Embed Braiv Player in any website builder or online content platform, and wow your audience!

Your videos...your way

Closed captions...done the modern way

Did you know...

Modern, karaoke-style captions can increase viewer engagement &Ā information retention?
Braiv Player allows you to customise &Ā style AIĀ generated captions to match your brand &Ā keep your viewers watching till the end!
Learn more >
Beautiful house with karaoke video captions
Podcast host & guest talking in multiple languages

Language barriers...broken down

No more juggling caption &Ā video files!

Translating captions &Ā getting videos dubbed can get tiresome, leaving you with multiple caption &Ā video files.
Braiv Player natively supports caption translations &Ā AIĀ video dubbing, all in the same video, meaning less work, less complexity, and happier customers!
Learn more >

Video tells the story...

AIĀ answers the questions

We know your videos are built to provide customers with valuable information on your products &Ā services, but what if they need more?

Our integrated AIĀ assistant is trained on your video content, and any additional information you feed it, meaning your customers get all their questions answered, right in the moment, in the language of their choosing!
Learn more >
AI video chatbot inside a video player even more!

Seamless social sharing...

Braiv Share

Single-click social media sharing

We get love BraivĀ Player, but you still need your captioned &Ā dubbed videos distributed across your social media platforms to reach your audience.
We've got your back!

With BraivĀ Share, we connect to all your socials, using deep APIĀ integrations, to share your videos, deploy your captions,Ā and manage foreign versions as well...all with a single click!

Coming soon...

Inspirational insights

Braiv Insights

Aggregated analytics...curated by AI

By connecting your socials to Braiv, we not only streamline the process to post your videos in bulk, but we can bring in all those juicy viewing analytics as well!

BraivĀ Insights allows you to see all your platform analytics in one place, and better yet, using Machine Learning, we can provide deep insights into how your videos are performing, and AIĀ suggested next steps to enhance your marketing efforts.

Coming soon...

Users icon


With support for role-based access, our platform is ideal for small to large teams to collaborate, build design templates, and create playlists.

Check icon


We integrate seamlessly with leading website builders &Ā platforms including Wordpress, Webflow &Ā Wix...
Talk about "WWW"!

Note icon


Our player &Ā platform supports enterprise grade API's and webhooks to easily integrate with your existing CRM or data platforms.

"The play button is the most compelling call-to-action on the web"



This is only the beginning...

We have a BIGĀ vision for what we want Braiv Player andĀ our platform to become. Join us on our journey as we shape the future of online video andĀ global engagement.


The worlds simplest online customisable video player

Learn more >
March '24

The worlds first multi-language online video player

Learn more >
Current stage

AIĀ generated video captions, and localisation

Learn more >
Q3 '24

No-code automations for video translations &Ā social sharing

Learn more >
Q4 '24

Cross-platform analytics &Ā data integrations

Learn more >

AI generated marketing insights &Ā translation API's

Learn more >

Ready to take your online videos to the next level?

Frequently asked questions

Is there a free tier?

Oh yes there is!

In fact, you can Get Started right now using our free customisable video player. This is our 1st product in market which has been built as the foundation for our future features.

Getting setup now is the best way to get first access to our new features and products as they are released...and you can even apply for early access to new features if you want!

Can IĀ trial the paid features?

I'm so glad you asked...YES!

While all new accounts start on the free tier, you will have the option to start a 7 day trial of our Pro tier to test out all available features...even limited access to our A.I. dubbing solution.

Can IĀ create playlists of videos?

Oh, you mean you want to embed a playlist of videos onto a site, perhaps as an educational series?
Well...yes! Even on our Free tier, you can create playlists up to the amount of videos available on your account tier.

How do the translations &Ā dubbing work?

Oh, you want to know the techy stuff?
Every video you upload gets processed by our A.I. to get hyper-accurate transcriptions i.e. speech to text.

Once we have this, we run this through our translations engine to provide the transcript in whatever language you want.
Finally, we use A.I. text to speech to then dub the video in the translated language.

Can IĀ download my videos to share elsewhere?

So you like the modern captioning features, or want to download some dubbed versions of your videos?

Congrats, because on the Pro tier, you can download fully rendered versions of your videos so you can share them on other platforms if you wish.

What social platforms will you support as part of Braiv Share?

Well....all of them!

Ok, perhaps not every one....but we aim to support most of the popular platforms that allow native video posting. So you can expect integrations with:
- Facebook
- Instagram
- Linkedin
- Youtube (including Shorts)
- Twitter/X
- Tik Tok get the point!

Why are you building an A.I. assistant into a video player?'re asking the REALĀ questions now!
After extensive conversations, we realised that many educational organisations would benefit from providing students the ability to ask questions about the content they were watching...kind of like a personal A.I. tutor.
But then we realised this could be applied to a range of industries to provide customers with support, and organisations with insights, in a way we've never seen before!