The story of a startups proudest moment…so far!
If you have been following the Braiv journey, you will already know that we began this journey in January 2024. That means, quite literally, the 1st lines of code were written just 7 months ago (from moment of writing this blog).
Who cares, right?!
Well….we care. For the simple reason that despite the complexities of building a video hosting platform, with a completely custom video player, and ALL THE AI THINGS, we were able to not only pitch our solution to a room full of VCs, but also show off our tech in person.
On 3rd July 2024, the Braiv co-founders, Ben Radcliffe (CEO) & James Xabregas (CTO), entered the (highly impressive) Google offices in Sydney, with a box of merchandise, a newly printed banner…and a mildly nervous CEO.

After 7 months of hard work in product design & development, and countless conversations with prospective customers, we were *just* ready to show off the fruits of our labour.
The timing was impeccable, and we were grateful for that fact alone. We had a working Beta which we were finally gonna show off to our investors, to prospective customers…and of course, potential investors.
Our demo was 99% there…would the “demo Gods” shine down upon us this evening?!
They did…
Before our CEO was due to get on stage to pitch, we had the pleasure of networking with the wider team of our investors at Antler, and also fellow founders.
And we were able to “WOW” them.
Our demo consisted of the following:
- A ring light
- iPad on a stand
- Wireless Rode Mic
- MacBook Pro
- Bluetooth speaker
Just the right level of extravagant for a startup of our early stage.

Visitors were invited to record themselves asking some quick questions, choose a couple languages to dub themselves into, and within a few minutes they were viewing themselves speaking, IN THEIR VOICES, in another langauge. Enhanced by the fact they could simply toggle between languages via Braiv Player.
It was a proud moment!
Then the time came…Ben needs to get on stage to “do his thing”. The goal was to run through a strict 3min pitch, and then answer a couple questions from VCs.
What a rush!

See the full pitch in video form here:
Needless to say, another proud moment, as we told the panel about our motivation and passions for multi-language video.
Letting them in our “WHY?”…to revolutionise the landscape of online education…a market projected to soon be over $400bn globally. No small feat!
After the pitch, it was more networking, and this is where we had some of the most profound conversations to date.
Not everyone….but some…REALLY GOT IT!
They understood not only the importance of building a caption & dubbing service with it own delivery mechanism (Braiv Player), but also what this technology could do to democratise education across the globe.
It was heart warming…and we were so proud!

So from here, who knows? We have a few exciting followups with both customers and investors, but we take each day in its stride. It’s a journey after all!
Before I finish, its important to note, that we would never have got ,this far without the support of Antler, our 1st pre-seed investors, and also the amazing founders we are surrounded by.

Here’s to each and every one of them…
“Here’s to the Braiv Ones!”
With love, Ben
Take your online videos from local to global
Let Braiv revolutionize your approach to video content delivery, ensuring maximum reach, accessibility, and engagement.